Wildlife Art and Illustration
Welcome to the Online gallery of Kaz Turner.
I would like to share with you some of the beauty of wildlife in nature that has been the main inspiration in creating highly detailed works of art, in particular my passion for big cats.
I enjoy helping others to improve their own painting skills, with the correct encouragement and guidance anyone can learn to paint. I offer friendly one to one tuition at my home studio or can travel to the comfort of your own home. All art materials are provided. Please ask for details.

For your special Pet Portrait, I plan to create a treasured keepsake from your favourite photos. The distinctive personality and beauty of your pet, shall be recreated from a symbolic image to an expressive and highly detailed, evocative work of art. To commission a painting and assure the memory of your friend, I welcome commissions for pet portraits and animal art.
A Sample of my Wildlife Art
You can visit my full Wildlife Art and Animal Paintings Gallery Here